Family Support

We are here to support families during challenging times.

Hospital Parents & Carers Group

Our Facebook Group is a supportive community for families with sick children offering:
  • a safe space to learn tips and hacks to navigate hospital stays
  • a platform for parents and carers to share experiences and stories
  • connect with other parents and carers
  • encouragement and mutual support 
  • access to additional services offered by Supertee
  • a chance to join our mission in helping other families 

Share your Supertee story

At Supertee, we are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children facing long-term or serious illness in hospital. We love hearing how the Supertee has transformed your child's hospital experience.

Whether it's the smile on their face when they wear it or the comfort it brings during treatments, your stories inspire us and fuel our mission. Your feedback and testimonials are invaluable in sharing the impact of our work. 

We invite you to share your experiences with us. Please share about how the Supertee has affected your child's hospital stay. Your insights will not only help us but also helps share the impact of donations we have recieved and encourages others to support us. 

Find a Supertee

If you're a parent or carer searching for a Supertee for your child, we encourage you to explore our hospital network to see if your child's hospital is one of our partners. Our network includes over 90 hospitals and respite centres across Australia where Supertee's are available. 

If you can't find your hospital listed, don't worry. You can nominate their hospital by filling out the form on the page. We're always looking to expand our reach and ensure that every child who needs a Supertee can have one. Your nomination will help us connect to more hospitals and bring smiles to even more brave little heroes.

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